Channel: SCNR
Category: News & Politics
Tags: scnrscooter bobmemorial dayveteranhoustonvietnamcancerrv parkcovid19cancer survivor
Description: DISTANCE documents the experiences of everyday Americans in the wake of COVID-19. Filmed by a small crew roving the United States in an RV, each episode offers a window into the rapidly changing lives of an individual or close-knit group grappling with the new normal. Their stories, stitched together, outline the contours of a society reshaped by the pandemic and ensuing economic collapse. In this episode of DISTANCE, Vietnam veteran and cancer survivor “Scooter” Bob shows true grit in the face of imminent COVID-19 testing at the local VA. He also enjoys his beer, cuddles his beloved chiweenie Li’l Bit, takes his souped-up electric wheelchair out for a spin, dispenses invaluable life lessons, and muses about how the pandemic is just the next terrible thing that the world will overcome. Social Media Twitter Facebook Instagram Subreddit #memorialday #veteran #SCNR